
  • 658 members

About us

The goal of this project is to establish closely related Macpherson surname sub-groups by testing 37, 67 or 111 markers. Test participants are also encouraged to investigate their haplogroup by ordering a Big Y test or a relevant SNP Panel.

The design of this DNA project is for the surname Macpherson and not other surnames known in the past to have been associated with or supportive of Clan Macpherson.  DNA testing has not shown a close Y-DNA relationship between those bearing the surname Macpherson and those bearing the "associated family" surnames.  The Gillespie surname is an example of a Clan Macpherson "associated family."   Testees in the Gillespie DNA Project are not a Y-DNA match to testees in the Macpherson DNA Project.

We also encourage all testees to create and upload a GEDCOM for their direct male line which will be available for viewing by their Y-DNA matches.  

Below is a link for the easy creation of a GEDCOM without the need for a genealogy software program.

Create a GEDCOM: