Jacob Surname YDNA Project

Descendants of John Jacob, Sr. of South River Hundred, Maryland Province
  • 109 members

About us

Ideally, to confirm the most distant but common ancestry to John Jacob, Sr., one must identify and test two males descending from two of his sons (notwithstanding other parameters). The Jacob(s) Surname DNA Project was fortunate in that the first two participant's lineage show their most recent common ancestor as John Jacob, Sr. The initial (kit 9988) participant's ancestor was John Jacob, Jr., the elder's first son, and the next (kit 13664) participant's ancestor was Benjamin Jacob, the elder's third son. A match here would be auspicious and a match (34 of 37 alleles) was indeed determined! The first two branches of the 'DNA' family were genetically traced. Since then the remaining two surviving lines were traced too and a pattern emerged: kits 22763, 52485, and 63430 match 37 for 37 alleles. This statistically suggests that those individuals have inherited their 37 alleles unchanged over ten or so generations. Because two individuals from separate lines have exact matches (no genetic variation was identified) it becomes difficult to use the Y-DNA test to definitively place participants accurately within the John Jacob, Sr. family tree. However testing can confirm that participants are descendants of John Jacob, Sr. and suggest which line they likely descend from. Better accuracy will come as more individuals join and test and as current members test more alleles (37>64>111 alleles).

37-marker test results have now been obtained for 12 descendants of John Jacob, Sr. and patterns are emerging. Alleles DYS570 and CDY a & b are proving useful in grouping the descendants into closely related groups. The test results also enable one to reconstruct the allele values (using the mode) for John Jacob, Sr. and eventually in turn his children, grandchildren, etc. Thus far the respective modal allele values for DYS570 and CDYa&b are 18/34/40. Thus far the following groupings have been identified:
Group 1 (17/34/40): Four individuals (K22763, K50623, K52485, and K63430) fall into this grouping and another (K56485) is closely matched. However the allele values for this group match John Jacob, Sr., and therefore can not be tied to any one of his lines of descent. Descendants of sons Joseph Jacob, b. 1685, and Richard Jacob, 1698-1779, share these values.
Group 2 (18/33/40): Two individuals (K9998 and K59987) fall into this grouping whose common ancestor is Jeremiah Jacob, 1713 - 1781, the son of John Jacob, Jr., 1686-1740.
Group 3 (18/34/40): Two individuals (K13664 and K119176) fall into this grouping whose common ancestor is Benjamin Jacob, 1747-1827, the grandson of Benjamin Jacob, 1688-1769.
Group 4 (17/34/39): Two individuals fall into this category (K30759 and K87845) whose most recent common ancestor eludes us for lack of documentation but both likely share John Jacob, Sr. as their ancestor. One lineage of this group is traced to a Benjamin Jacob, 1735-1816, whose exact connection to John Jacob, Sr. is unknown to the project administrator.

The project has also helped group other Jacobs Surname families unrelated to John Jacob, Sr.   Click "DNA Results" tab at left to view the Y-DNA STR marker values for project members.