J M172 - J2 Y-DNA

Pre-Chalcolithic Paternal lineage grouping and haplogroup research
  • 7426 members

About us

Welcome to the J2-M172 Project@FTDNA!

J2-M172 diversified approx. 28,000 years ago in or near Western Asia. Learn More...

Goals: study the pedigree relationships (phylogeny) of J2 lineages (subclades). Assign project members down to 46 Pre-Chalcolithic groups (7000-8000 BC). Join project members to appropriate Subclade projects to help them in using Y-DNA results and further testing to connect ancient paternal history with the last millennia, and clan/surname origins. 

  • Dear visitor: this long-term project is conducted by volunteer citizen scientists and admins. Please be patient when you encounter unfinished and outdated areas.
  • History J2-FTDNA project...

Support Research

If you have not done so, join the research, change standard FTDNA Project Preferences, Privacy & Sharing, invite near and distant Y-DNA matches and help by funding J2 Reseach 

Gateway to Partnering FTDNA Projects / J2 and subclades collaboration

Members will be joined to appropriate partnering FTDNA projects for easier J2 subbranch research. Permission by FTDNA (J.Cloud 2015). If you would like to avoid subjoining please do not join or leave the project. 


External Links & Help

BIG Y Sequencing / Haplogroup Certification/ TMRCA Calculation

Next Gen Y Sequencing is the new test that pushes Y-DNA research in the last years. By ordering and making unpublic results available you will help tremendously to increase public knowledge of J2.

Newly discovered haplogroups need enough evidence for registration. Order appropriate further testing or donate for them.
We suggest uploading the Big Y raw data (.BAM file) to YFull for inclusion in the public YTree J2 and estimation of Haplogroup TMRCA.

Unless otherwise stated: Project Content © CC-BY J2-M172@FTDNA Team, Public Member Data CC0 Public Domain, Private/Login Member Data © kit owners (written permission needed).