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IrvineClan Autosomal

  • 468 members

About us

The Irvine Clan Autosomal DNA Project was established in October 2014 to complement the excellent Clan Irwin Surname DNA Study, which now has over 350 members. The autosomal project uses Family Finder results on Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) to connect cousins who share a common ancestor within five or six generations. Its goal is to supplement the information already available in the surname project, so that both men and women can trace their lineage to an Irvine/Irving/Irwin ancestor anywhere in their family tree (within limits). We have three categories of membership: (1) Irvine/Irving/Irwin men who are already in the surname project; (2) Irvine/Irving/Irwin men who are in the autosomal project but not the surname project; and (3) women and men who may not have the Irvine/Irving/Irwin surname but have an Irvine/Irving/Irwin ancestor somewhere in their family tree. Irvine Clan Autosomal DNA Project – Privacy Statement As Administrator and Co-administrator of this Project we give to you as a member of this Study our priority in protecting your privacy and the confidentiality of your personal data. What personal data about you do we hold or have access to? The only personal data about you that we hold or have access to is data which has been made available to us by DNA testing companies with your consent (to the access level you have chosen), and additional data which you may have given us direct by e-mail or by post. We do not use cookies to collect personal data of visitors to the Study’s website. What use do we make of this personal data? The only use we make of this data is that relevant to meeting the Goals of our Study as stated in our public website at We will not publish your name, e-mail address or other contact details, or share this information with any other study member or other person or organization without your specific written approval, unless we were to be legally obliged to do so. Nor will we share your DNA test results except in pseudonymized form by using of test kit numbers in lieu of testees’ names. For how long do we hold this personal data? We hold this data for as long as you remain a member of our Study. If you wish to withdraw from our Study you should advise FTDNA. You may make such a request at any time, and we will remove your data from our project files as quickly as practicable. However we cannot retrieve data that has previously been posted in the public domain. In our administration of this project we endeavour to comply with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation which enters into force on 25 May 2018,and with the most recent editions of the Genetic Genealogy Standards (, of FTDNA’s guidelines (, and of ISOGG’s guidance ( We endeavor to respond promptly to any queries, errors, or complaints you may bring to our attention about our handling of your personal data associated with this Study. However you should be aware that some of your concerns may be better forwarded direct to the relevant DNA testing company. 22 May 2018 The Rev. Peter B. Irvine Administrator James M. Irvine Co-Administrator David A. Stumpf M.D. Co-Administrator