DNA Day Sale: Save on Family Finder, Y-DNA, & mtDNA. Now through April 25th.


Surname & DNA project
  • 273 members

About us

Please, look at the Background-sheet for latest goal settings. Below are outdated goals.


Ultimate goal is linkage to first genetic root-father and root of the surname Hiltunen.
  • At this moment we believe Hiltunen (and all its variations)-surname originates from the Father Hilduin, Abbot of St Denis  who happend to have the same surname as we have had specially in the church records.
  • For the N1C1 (oldest Hiltunen root father found) we would also like to reveal our genetic root-father's and mother's paths. The Y-DNA DYS 19 allele value differs from Finland Savo-area's population (we have 15, others 14). We belong to south-finns-4-modal (393=14 390=24 19=15 391=11 385a=11 385b=13 389-1=14 392=14 389-2=31). It would be interesting where this tribe has been visiting. For other haplogroups it is interesting to see how surname have been passed to next generations. We have already pretty good paper trails back to 1480 for N1C1 haplogroup Hiltunen. We would like to continue with other haplo groups as well to find common root fathers by traditional genealogy as well.  Mother lineage as well as autosomal (familyfinder) are still in very first phases.
  • We are now subgrouping results based on new SNP criterias. Look at results display.

Päämäärämme on löytää yhteiset kanta-isämme ja sukunimen lähtöpaikka.
  • Y-DNA testissä DYS 19 alleeli on Hiltusilla muista Savolaisista poiketen 15 , joka tarkoittaa tulosuuntaa Viron eteläpuolelta. Alleelia DYS 19 esiintyy Baltiassa ja Keski-Euroopassa. Haploryhmämme on kuitenkin N1c1. Kuulumme south-finns-4-modaliin (arvot 393=14 390=24 19=15 391=11 385a=11 385b=13 389-1=14 392=14 389-2=31). On mielenkiintoista tutkia, missä kaikkialla heimomme on seikkaillut näiden vuosituhansien saatossa!
  • Hiltuset ovat voineet vaikuttaa jo vasarakirveskulttuurin aikoihin (3200-2400 eKr.) jolloin ihmisillä ei ollut vielä sukunimeä. Ainoa tapa varmistaa sukulaisuus on täten dna-testi!
  • Muokkaamme tuloksia uusien SNP-tuloksien mukaan. Katso tulosnäyttöjä.