DNA Day Sale: Save on Family Finder, Y-DNA, & mtDNA. Now through April 25th.

Eagles / Eagell

  • 26 members

About us

(1) Recruit people from around the world who have the surname EAGELL, EAGEL, EAGLES, EAGLE surnames or their variations to join this project. (2) Find DNA matches and begin to identify relations for related family clusters in the UK, North American, and other continents (3) Discover connections between continents (4) Discover geographic origins of EAGELL/EAGEL/EAGLES/EAGLE lines Joining Please click on the join link in the upper left corner of this page. If you have already been tested through FTDNA, just enter you code and join this project for free. If you have not been tested, then using this same link you can purchase a Y-DNA test. Note: Test kit shipping to countries outside the USA is inexpensive -- about $4.