Dalton America

  • 193 members

About us

Our project started in the Spring of 2003 with six participants. Five years later we had 49 men whose Y-DNA had been tested. Fifteen years later we had 153 members.  Today there are 162.  Although most of those tests have indicated relationship to our focus on the Daltons from the Virginia Piedmont, we also have a substantial number of members who descend from others.  We will continue to look for relationships in those tests as well.

A chart of the relationships of all our members permitting public display of their results is found on the DNA Results link on the menu to the left.  The chart is grouped by the main groups that have emerged from the Y-DNA tests of our members.  Advice on reading this chart is found at the link below.

The overall results of a family group project are dependent on the number of members of the family who donate to the Y-DNA pool.  Our project is of sufficient size to yield results, but efforts by all of our members to add other Daltons to the pool can enhance the value even more.  The same can be said for expanding the number of markers tested by the members.  In family group research strength is in comparisons refined by greater amounts of data.

Locating Yourself in a Y-DNA Descendant Group: Reading the "Dalton America Y-DNA Charts"

Relationship among Daltons of the Virginia Piedmont

Ancestors of the Piedmont Daltons

And don’t forget, if you have any questions about your results or how to interpret them, contact one of your administrators listed to the left.  We will be happy to help as best we can.