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  • 806 members

About us

CRAWFORD, CRAUFURD, CRAUFORD, CRAWFURD, CRAFFORD, CROFFORD, CRAWFORT, CRAFOORD, CROWFORD, KRAFFORD, and any other reasonable spelling variations are welcome to join the project.

Only males have Y-chromosomes, so only male CRAWFORD (or variant) can participate in the focal Y-DNA aspect of the project. If you are female, you can have a male CRAWFORD (or variant) relative submit a sample for your line. To participate meaningfully, those testing will need to share their direct male line ancestry back to the earliest known CRAWFORD (or variant), as a pedigree (living persons should be marked as living so they are privatized).

We strongly suggest prospective male Crawfords (however you spell your surname) to test the Y-DNA37 or higher, as the lower levels (Y-DNA12 and Y-DNA25) do not provide enough power to reliably group you into the appropriate lineage. Please see other pages on this project website, and the DNA pages on the Clan Crawford Association website, for further information.

If you are considering buying a test from FTDNA, please click this link (below) now, and if you make a purchase within a week after that, a small percentage of the payment (at *no* additional cost to you!) will come back to the Crawford Project's General Fund. This fund is held by FTDNA, and can only be used against future testing costs, assuming the main project admins agree it can further the project's goals (e.g., defraying costs to test a well-documented descendant of a historically significant Crawford branch). The link sets a 1-week cookie in your browser so that FTDNA knows to associate your purchase with the Project, then it disappears. Here is the link:

Thanks for your interest and participation!