Melungeon Core DNA

  • 231 members

About us

We want to establish modal DNA results for the Core Melungeon lines of Goins, Gibson, Minor, Bunch, Bolin, Bolling, Collins, Williams, Goodman, Denham, Bolin, Mullins, Moore, Shumake, Boltons, Perkins, Mornings, Menleys, Breedlove, Hopkins, Mallett and to also include families with these names in their lines.

General Fund Scholarships The General Fund is a type of scholarship/grant program administered by Family Tree DNA where individuals may make a contribution to a specified DNA project. A great way to: - honor your ancestors! - remember your family genealogist! - dedicate to a beloved living/or deceased family member! - or just plain help the Melungeon DNA Project!

You may choose to designate a specific line to be tested or leave that decision up to the discretion of the administrator. Either way, your contribution will be deeply appreciated. Click on Contribute to the Surname Project General Fund on the upper left or Click Here to Contribute Thanks!

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
Melungeon Core DNA Project is licensed under a

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

must be referenced if you make use of this data