Corcu Loígde DNA Project

Pre-Eóganachta Rulers of Munster, Ireland
  • 217 members

About us


Hello and thanks for visiting the CORCA LAIDHE regional yDNA project. We appreciate the time you are taking to carefully read our materials. We welcome the participation of eligible and interested men.

Corca Laidhe is a REGIONAL STUDY of an archaeogenetic nature dealing with multiple surnames, multiple Y haplotypes and haplogroups. Findings might be presented at genealogical conferences and talks or published in places beyond FTDNA.

Project members are expected to have experience with FTDNA Y-DNA testing, some experience with genealogy research, and most of all be committed to the goals of the project and to filling out and sharing their account data. A FTDNA Y-DNA test of Y111 or Big Y (on order or completed) are required.

Your paternal line ancestry is presumably from somewhere within the British Isles. Knowledge of the exact location (townland, parish, county, shire) is NOT required. Known paternal line ancestry from the Corca Laidhe region is not required.

WHAT THIS PROJECT IS NOT. This is NOT a project for a DNA novice. This is NOT a yDNA surname project or a single Y haplogroup / branch project. Nor is it a single haplogroup branch project, autosomal or mitochondrial DNA project. See our project GOALS for further details.

REQUIREMENTS. The tester must carry a Corca Laidhe surname as his direct paternal line name and have a FTDNA yDNA test of 111 markers or Big Y already completed or on order from FTDNA.

NO EXCEPTIONS on the surname for name changes, adoptions, etc and NO EXCEPTIONS on the testing or name requirements. It is not sufficient to have a Corca Laidhe surname elsewhere in your ancestry.

EXPECTATIONS. Members are expected to bear an innate interest in Cork, Munster, and Ireland genetic history. Members must be willing share their family history and DNA results. Known paternal ancestry from the Corca Laidhe region is not required. Members should have some genealogy research experience, some experience interpreting their yDNA results, and some familiarity navigating their FTDNA accounts.

Read the GOALS and the BACKGROUND pages to help you decide if you are interested. Read the FAQ page BEFORE CLICKING JOIN to understand eligibility details, the necessary account preparation, and the required permission that must be submitted in the join window when you click JOIN.

INTERESTED IN CORCA LAIDHE RESEARCH BUT NOT ELIGIBLE? You can subscribe to our external groups chat and visit our external website.

If you are looking for an Internet Cork genetics venue on which to participate with your Cork-based autosomal or mitochondrial DNA, or you want to see Cork-relevant Y surname projects, see the resources at Cork Ireland. Search FTDNA for haplogroup projects relevant to your Y haplogroup.

If you want genealogy research help, see our LINKs. We do not provide assistance with your genealogy research via private email, though we may on occasion (time permitting) lend a hand to a project member.


Historically, project growth and development have been slow. The project got a major overhaul in 2018, sharpening the project goals and consequently boosting and tightening up eligibility requirements. Testing requirements were tightened in 2024. Expect work and updates to REMAIN VERY SLOW.

CONTACT. AFTER reading the aforementioned GOALS, BACKGROUND, and FAQ - send Susan a BRIEF email ( - if you have questions about participating in the project. Do NOT add attachments. Put the exact phrase CORCA LAIDHE PROJECT on the subject line of your email if you expect your email to be seen. OTHERWISE YOUR EMAIL WILL GET DELETED IN A SPAM FOLDER.

We wish you BEST OF LUCK with your research!