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Clan Campbell Society of North America DNA Project
  • 2439 members



Because of changes in European privacy laws (GDPR),the default setting for new project members admitted after mid-May 2018 is “GroupProject Access”.  you norsee who you match nor anything else.

To change this setting from your FTDNA personal home page(after logging in),

  1. Hover your cursor over your name on the top right-handside and click on Privacy and Sharing>

  2. Click through the privacy options. (I recommend opting-in to all sharing.)

  3.  *** Click in the ProjectPreferences> Tab; Edit> theCampbell Project, and Grant Full or Limited Access>the Campbell Project Administrators. (I prefer having Full Access so I can makesure your Earliest Ancestors and their Location is up-to-date)

For more information on these settings, see Link

Again, if you do not do this, your administrators will notbe able to help you.

Thank you. 

Kevin Campbell

Campbell DNAProject Administrator since 2002