DNA Day Sale: Save on Family Finder, Y-DNA, & mtDNA. Now through April 25th.

Airgialla Mag Uidhir

  • 371 members

About us

This is a multi surname regional DNA project centered on the Fir Maanch Mag Uidhir clan.

Airghialla II Mag Uidhirs share the following “Y DNA signature”

DYS 617>=13, DYS 406S1>=11,  DYS 640=12, DYS 390-25, DYS 437=16, DYS 448=18, (DYS 505=13, DYS 525=9, DYS 497=13  NOTE: these last three are found only in the Y-111 level tests and Big Y 700)

Our SNP flow is: R1b=L21>DF13>L513>S5668>FGC9807>L69.5>FGC9804>Z16337> (Many more sub - branches)

These few STRs and SNPs define the Airghialla II connection that “The Mag Uidhir” first enjoyed! Y Search 45J2S and 9U5BW represent the full Y-67 signature used for comparisons.