Chandler Y-DNA project

  • 594 members

About us

The Chandler Y-DNA project is only for Chandler-surnamed (or similar) males or men who believe they descend from Chandlers via their male line. This category includes those with Y-DNA matches to Chandlers, whether they have direct genealogical evidence or not. We accept members with Y-STR results from any laboratory with reporting protocols compatible with international standards. Females can participate by getting a male Chandler relative (e.g. brother, uncle, father, cousin) to provide a DNA sample. Anyone unable to fulfill this requirement is welcome to write to the for free Chandler help. Because Chandler is an occupational surname, people named Chandler are not necessarily related to each other. Since 2003, this project has identified more than 100 genetically distinct Chandler lines, including several with intercontinental matches. Some of these lines have been traced by conventional means back to the 1600s or beyond. We believe there may now be about 150 distinct lines in existence around the world. These are not different branches of the same tree – they are separate forests, each containing a different type of tree. Y-DNA testing is the only type of test suitable for the long-range, single-surname research we are doing. Other types, such as autosomal testing, can be helpful with research on specific lines, provided participants understand the risks. The Chandler Family Association has mechanisms to help with research of specific lines, via the Genealogy Panel as above. Joining this project requires prior authorization. Please provide a summary of your Chandler lineage as far as you know it. As to its history, the project was started to identify descendants of Virginia immigrant John Chandler who landed at Jamestown in 1610, but DNA testing immediately opened new vistas of genealogy. Other early New World immigrants came under scrutiny, both in Virginia and in New England. Soon, the project grew to include all Chandler lineages worldwide.