The Cuinn/Quinn DNA Surname Project

Muintir O'Cuinn
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November 7, 2016

Here is a general interest guide to DNA testing, written in accessible style.

The Family Tree Guide to DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy by Blaine Bettinger, Cincinnati: Family Tree Books, October 13, 2016. eISBN: 9781440345395 240 pp.

Blurb: "This plain-English guide is a one-stop resource for how to use DNA testing for genealogy. Inside, you'll find guidance on what DNA tests are available, plus the methodologies and pros and cons of the three major testing companies and advice on choosing the right test to answer your specific genealogy questions."

This copy is in .epub format and is readily readable using a common ebook reader program such as Calibre which is free to download and use.!6BgmwAiC!KNXCYXhP27mw-qeKrbw_ASCmHYFuPH7UX8Ez9aTY-l8