The Cuinn/Quinn DNA Surname Project

Muintir O'Cuinn
  • 428 members

About us

To expand our genetic understanding of how we are related to each other, ancient peoples, places and ideas from the Irish Ó Cuinn, which the English Invaders and Present Day scholars accept and then later revised from the Old English and Gaelic as Quin, or Quinn with a wide assortment of deviations that are solely dependent on phonetics.  This does not mean that Quinn is always Guinn, or Gwinn but often arises based on the phonetic dialect for the person that hears the name pronounced.  A Frenchman might hear it differently than a  Scotsman and so on. This phenomenon exists in present day Ireland and elsewhere. So Kenny, Quinney and Guinney are acceptable deviations from the single word Quin, or even such names as Coigne which leads us to Goin, Coyne and Coin as an example.
What we do know is that the name ÓCuinn means 'descendant of Conn', a byname meaning ‘head’, ‘sense’, ‘reason’ or intelligence, also  as a freeman. Quin and other names mentioned here, remains extant to this day, and preserves Cuinn as the earliest known use as a surname.