The Cuinn/Quinn DNA Surname Project

Muintir O'Cuinn
  • 428 members

About us

Created as a Genetic Genealogy study project to allow yDNA results to build groups of related males of ancient ancestry. From the present day of surnames and paper trails and going back to surnames adopted from various sources but yet showing kinship by yDNA results to a time when males used the surnames of their landlords and clan leaders or adopted surnames of locations, landmarks, famous people; and, often recorded by the person taking information based on a language different than the tenant or lease holder giving the information. We invite FTDNA members interested and still looking for your "place" to join. Membership is easily added and changed and one may belong to numerous FTDNA projects at the same time. In fact, it is recommended to join various FTDNA projects to assist research efforts of various areas, clans, haplogroups, SNP research projects and surname projects.