BigY700= ENG: DeLaPole=R-Y17444; FRA: G-F2885; CAN: R-CTS10029; R-Y31315; R-Z30
  • 302 members

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Updates Are No Longer Being Posted on this page, since ALL Information from the FTDNA Lab, Houston TX, is being conveyed via the YDNA Matrix & other lab reports online. This Project focuses on BigY700 YDNA Results, so male lines are required, since only males possess Y-DNA; female sponsors are needed to sponsor testing for a few male cousins from different branches of their tree.

Summer 2018 - European Privacy Regulation (GDPR) Implemented across North America without legislation from U.S. Congress.  As of 24 May 2018, new privacy controls have been implemented as required by the lab, ftdna.  

NO private information can be released-- Please do not ask any Volunteer Project Administrator to violate regulations. For over a decade, Poole YDNA & Allied Families project has enabled participants to compare their results with others in their matching subgroup(s). All info is conveyed by our YDNA colorful matrix, your own test results, your tree uploaded by you and amended by you with DNA matches, your communication with your matches, etc.  Study your hard fought YDNA results & SNP Report with updated, near real time Ytrees to confirm your place on the human genome tree.

Summer 2017
Tremendous Big Y new results posted for Shropshire England  group!  See revised group titles for coral Pettypool group and coral Shropshire group (two peach colored ones). Wow!

Summer 2016
Extract of R1b DF27 YTree for matches with YFull id:YF04247 ENG, descendant of wealthy miller/glover/Mass Bay Colony adventurer/Old Planter of Saugus (later known as Lynn), Massachusetts, John Pole/Poolle/Poole (c1608/1667)--- UPDATED as of 12 June 2016-- notice how this section of the YTree is much different than my 3 Nov 2015, YTree v3.17 version posted. The tree is growing so fast in real time, I am unable to fully display this comparison ...

[source: https://yfull.com/tree/R1b/ with version explained as
Haplogroup YTree v4.05 at 31 May 2016 ]

R-V3505V3505/FGC20764formed 4500 ybp, TMRCA 4500 ybpinfo
R-FGC20767FGC20770 * FGC20767formed 4500 ybp, TMRCA 4500 ybpinfo

R-Y17444  Y17446 * Y17445 * Y17447+29 SNPs formed 4500 ybp, TMRCA 450 ybpinfo
   id:YF04247 ENG   [Descendant of John Poole d.1667]
   id:YF03707 ___    [adopted]

[Haplogroup YTree v4.05 at 31 May 2016 ]

All men with English/Welsh heritage extended back on the paternal lineage of De la Pole, Pole, Pool, Poole, Poule, Poolle, are requested to please test their haplogroup SNPs to determine if they match with a male Poole descendant, represented above as YFull id:YF04247ENG.   You must be positive for R1b, DF27, ... R-V3505 and R-Y17444. Note that 29 SNPs under Y17444, so tests for these SNPs may refine your family SNP further. Thanks for sponsoring males for SNP tests! Notice that one close Poole match exists, with the Time to Most Recent Common ancestor now set forth as 450 years before present [ I think in an earlier version this TMRCA was tighter, say 375 years before present, so the time frame has been extended a bit--YFull explains in detail how they reach these numbers, so study their website and seek help from your local librarian/historian/computer geek/message board --Thx! Dee B.]

Yes you should buy the Big Y test first at ftdna lab, then transfer your BAM file results, etc. into YFull for further paid analysis; your results will not upload to YFull unless you have purchased and completed the Big Y test (111 markers wont work etc). I need a Poole male of England/Wales to match this Poole line as well as matches for all the others in my YDNA colorful matrix (on ftdna's website). Many male matching YDNA Join Projects Requests were sent out, but it seems tough for recipients to process or understand that I am writing these-- they may transmit as Spam?

Spring 2016
In celebration of the Poole YDNA Project's ten year anniversary, this website is being reconfigured...Please buy Big Y test (ftdna) or other appropriate tests to identify your haplogroup's terminal SNP as well as individual SNP tests as needed (over time)--please read online blogs (anthrogenica; yahoo; ftdna forums, etc) about individual, panel and other next generation SNP tests! Work with your haplogroup project administrators to determine your best options...

Pole Pool Poole Pooll Poule DeLaPole YDNA Matches Sought
I am seeking  YDNA Close matches to my YDNA DF27 line, English heritage:
R-P312 P312 • S116 • PF6547 Z1904 • CTS12684 • PF6548

     R-DF27 DF27 • S250

         R-FGC20747 FGC20747

               R-V3505 FGC20764 • V3505

                        R-FGC20767 FGC20767 FGC20770

                                R-Y17444 Y17444
                                    Y17785 Y17761 Y17768 Y17777 Y17767 Y17779   Y17763 Y17784                                         Y17759 Y17769 Y17764 Y17778  Y17783 Y17773 Y17445 Y17775                                         Y17774 Y17781  Y17770 Y17776 Y17780 Y17447 Y17758 Y17771                                           Y17760 Y17762 Y17782 Y17765 Y17766   Y17772   Y17446

[extract from Dee's 13 Nov 2015 yreport]

Please refer to the R1b tree here- 
The portion of this Yfull DF27 tree which applies to my own Poole line is:
R-FGC20747 FGC20747 formed 4500 ybp, TMRCA 4400 ybp info
    R-V3505  FGC20764/V3505 formed 4400 ybp, TMRCA 4400 ybp info
        R-FGC20767  FGC20770 * FGC20767 formed 4400 ybp, TMRCA 4400 ybp info
            R-V2240 Y16482 * FGC20751/V2240 * FGC20762... 15 SNPs formed 4400 ybp, TMRCA 950 ybp info
                id:YF01729BLR [BY-VI]
                id:YF03885DEU [DE-BY]
            R-Y17444  Y17446 * Y17445 * Y17447... 29 SNPs formed 4400 ybp, TMRCA 375 ybp info

[http://yfull.com/tree/R1b/, YFull Experimental YTree v3.17 at 03 November 2015]

Thanks! Please telephone me or send me your phone number if you match...no spam please.
Dee Bardes, Poole YDNA Project & Allied Families Project Administrator, Volunteer