BigY700= ENG: DeLaPole=R-Y17444; FRA: G-F2885; CAN: R-CTS10029; R-Y31315; R-Z30
  • 302 members

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Matching YDNA SNPs of English, French & Welsh Pole/Poole males is needed! Please see online SNP report, YFULL & FTDNA haplogroup ytrees, and YDNA STR & matches colorful matrix - All YDNA inquiries should arrive via ftdna lab's Join Request form, with male lineage details, findagrave lineage links, and best YDNA match info included (if any so far). These are manually reviewed during which we need to correspond further with you... Later, after you have purchased lab tests from ftdna lab, and the scientists in Houston TX USA complete your YDNA processing, the STRs/ancestry info will be added manually, into your matching group (if any) on our colorful YDNA matrix. Please study the continually updated matrix which is how the lab's results are conveyed, based on various settings. Yes, YDNA is needed: Poule, Poolle, Pooll, Pole-Carew, Pole-Chandos, Ab Vychan/Fychan, Beli aka Lord of Cegidfa-Powys, de la Pole, et. al. Hurry and test male Pooles-please! If you have GARRISON/GARRETSON heritage, this is also the Primary Project for the WIC/GWC soldier, Gerrit SEGERS b.1620 "probable" lineage (R-L2 haplo with Big Y results/BAM uploaded to Yfull) including SAEGER, GARRISON and perhaps a separate line with GARRETSON, BOYCE, DAMEN surnames (paper deleted 2012). My Gerrit Segers group was formerly known as my GARRISSON II DNA Project's "french" group, once believed Montauban heritage (no longer believed valid on the pure male line). Send sourced input please! YDNA of Eastie/Estey/Este of Suffolk ENG also needed to match with 2014-2015 research. Matches to our I1d TODDs tracing similarly to ancient clan CHISHOLM chiefs of the UK borders area are also needed. Extra help from financial sponsors and researchers worldwide is critical for further progress. We had 114 members (back in October 2010) and have grown since then. Importantly, I need your name, address, phone number and lineage submitted with your Request to Join (which goes to Houston lab and then to Admins)- You have to be specific on your heritage, and send the actual information (not provide a series of links or refer me to a link); documents may be sent via snailmail -- it is a process. Specify cemeteries, churches, counties, wives' names, dates and other unique identifiers- Cite to primary sources in square brackets. No spammers please.