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Reed Surname Project
  • 852 members

About us

Reed researchers in the 1920's identified over 100 Reed lines that came to America prior to 1700. DNA tests so far completed have identified some 83 separate lines, representing 8 of the major Y chromosome groupings, that bear the surname Reed or its variants. It has become clear that many unrelated men adopted these surnames either before or after emigration from Europe. Some American lines have already been linked to England, Belgium, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. Others are still confined to colonial America, mostly in states along the Atlantic coast. Several participants have found exact matches or near matches with other project members, which suggest ancestors in common within a genealogical time frame. In some cases comparing paper research has allowed these matches to extend their knowledge of their own ancestry. Others have been able to eliminate unrelated Reed lines so as to concentrate on the more promising ones.
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