
Reed Surname Project
  • 852 members

About us

This is a male Y-DNA Paternal Lineage project for all surname variations of Reed which include: Reed, Reede, Reeds, Read, Reade, Reades, Red, Redd, Rede, Redha, Readha, Reid, Rhead, Rheda, Rheade, Rheadus, Rhaedus. Our goal is to identify family groupings and countries of origin. If you are a female, Reed or variant spelling, researching your paternal lineage, you only need to secure a Y-DNA Test from a male in your maiden name family, in other words, your grandfather, father, brother, uncle, or male cousin. Please know that females do not carry the Y-DNA chromosomes, only males do, & they pass that through their sons almost perfectly intact, only some slight variations may occur with natural mutations.