About us
- Conference: 16th Annual FamilyTreeDNA Conference for Genetic Genealogy - will be virtual only for 2025, date TBA.
- Conference: 'Advancing Genetic Genealogy: how the past is informing the present through revolutions in genetic research'
- Strathclyde Institute for Genealogical Studies
- https://www.strath.ac.uk/studywithus/centreforlifelonglearning/genealogy/advancinggeneticgenealogy/
- New Young Genealogy website
- Learn about Young genealogy at the new Youngs of Scotland genealogy page: https://youngsofscotland.com/genealogy
- Presentation about the Young Surname Genetic Homelands
- Dr. Tyrone Bowes (ScottishOrigenes.com) posted his talk about Ancient DNA at the Youngs of Scotland meeting in Edinburgh in September, using the Youngs of Morayshire research work. Watch the video of his talk and read the Young DNA use case at the following links: Ancient DNA Overview, Young Ancient Paternal Reconstruction and Timeline, Young: Pinpointing a Scottish Paternal Origin, and Video Presentation.
- Conference: 15th Annual FamilyTreeDNA Conference for Genetic Genealogy
- https://dna-explained.com/2023/11/16/15th-annual-familytreedna-conference-for-genetic-genealogy-reunion-reception-and-keynote/