
  • 126 members

About us

Welcome, This project is intended to supplement conventional genealogical research to help identify families who share a common male ancestor. All Wilkinson surnames, of various spellings, are welcome to join this project and non similar surnames with matching Y-DNA. A Surname Project traces members of a family that share a common surname. This project is for males Wilkinson taking a Y-Chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) test. Thus, the individual who tests must be a male who wants to check his direct paternal line (father's father's father's...line only) with a Y-DNA67, Y-DNA111 or Big-Y test and who has one of the surnames, Wilkinson or Wilkeson, listed for the project. By joining this project you agree to the below requirements: 1) Provide the name of the person being tested. If you administer for another, put their name and specify your name as adm._____. 2) Name and dates/locations for the birth and death of your most distant paternal ancestor. 3) Permission to show the test results and most distant ancestor's information on the project website. 4) Allow the Group Administrator to have access to your data and be able to contact you. Females do not carry their father's Y-DNA. Females who would like to check their Wilkinson line would need to locate a male relative with the Wilkinson surname and order a Y-DNA test preferably 67 or higher. Females can also order an mtDNA test for themselves such as the mtDNAPlus test or the mtFull Sequence test and participate in the project only if the Wilkinson surname is on their tail female line, their mother's, mother's mother, ect. We have started a Family Finder (Autosomal) project so if you are interested in joining you will have to contact me or access the site from the link below. https://www.familytreedna.com/group-join.aspx?act=groupjoin&Group=WilkinsonWilkesonFF&code=D15704&utm_medium=email&utm_source=transactional&utm_campaign=GroupJoinAuthorization Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2296573630614298/ Thank you.