
  • 9 members

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1. To see if there is DNA evidence for a common ancestry between Vidales in Latin America. (Initial participants represent El Salvador, Mexico, and Chile, with two of the three having a relatively recent ancestor who immigrated from Spain.)

2. Are the Vidales in Catalonia, Spain all related?

3. Is there evidence to support a Sephardic (Jewish) origin? The website states that the surname Vidales is one of the surnames in "Sangre Judia" ("Jewish Blood") by Pere Bonnin -- "A list of 3,500 names used by Jews, or assigned to Jews by the Holy Office (la Santo Oficio) of Spain. The list is a result of a census of Jewish communities of Spain by the Catholic Church and as found in inquisition records. Los Apellidos estan sacados de las listas de penitenciados por el Santo Oficio, de los censos de las juderias y de otras fuentes que indican claramente que la persona portadora del apellido es judia o judeoconversa."