DNA Day Sale: Save on Family Finder, Y-DNA, & mtDNA. Now through April 25th.


  • 56 members

About us

02-16-06: Tyson Family DNA Project initiated.
02-19-2006: Jerry Tyson Barton (Editor) Tyson Genealogy Network, Austin TX, emailed Tyson DNA Project announcement to members.
*Note: We have had inquiries from several Tysons, one who descends directly from a Tyson immigrant from Hamburg, Germany! Another who descends from the PA Tysons!
03-13-06: Our first 37 marker kit has been ordered, and our DNA Project has its first member (GA).
03-23-06: Kit #57813 received for processing.
04-05-06: Two inquiries today, one from a (Florida) Tison (descendant of John and Susannika Tyson-NC) and another from a (Virginia) Tyson.
04-14-06: Our Tyson General Fund has its first contribution! Thank you, Rubye Lewis!
05-04-06 DNA testee #57813 (37 marker) is a descendant of Warren Tison, born in 1794 in Georgia, a possible descendant of Reynier Tyson of Pennsylvania.(family oral history)
5-21-07 The first 67 marker test was completed on testee #88973, a direct descendent of John and Susannika Tyson. The testee is 7 generations from Thomas Tyson, who was born in Virginia. Thomas Tyson was the grandson of John and Susannika.