Thrift /Frith /Firth

  • 66 members

About us

The goals for this project include:

*Assist in interpreting DNA test results.
Unequivocally determine which families can be traced to a common ancestor.
Confirm the validity of existing paper trails that show common ancestry.
Discover information that might resolve known issues or brick walls.
Determine for each surname how many unique lines exist, and gather clues as to where each line originated.
Encourage related families to
         1) share resources related to tracing ancestors,
         2) establish as common knowledge what has already been reliably researched, and then
         3) focus attention on remaining critical areas.

Specific projects will be added according to the interests of project members. These will not succeed unless the people who are interested make a real effort to find more people to be tested, who are relevant to the specific project. Current specific interests include:
*to attempt to identify descendants or ancestors of Richard, Robert, or Thomas Frith of Jamestown, Virginia.
Richard Frith was among the first group of 100 planters in James Towne in 1607 [The Trve Travels, Adventures and Observations of Captaine Iohn Smith, in Europe, Asia, Africke, and America: Volume I. From the London Edition of 1629.] Half of those colonists perished in the first year, but Frith was apparently among those who survived, and in 1609 he was named in The 2nd Charter of Jamestown VA, 1609, and invested 25 pounds in the Company for Virginia. In 1635 Robert Frith, age 23, came to Jamestown from London, England on the ship Assurance, and a week later Thomas Frith, age 17, came on the ship Elizabeth.