Sullivan's Hollow

  • 107 members

About us

A DNA Project for those with ancestry in the area in and around Sullivan's Hollow, Smith county, Mississippi.  Due to the exclusivity of the area with the discouragement of outside settlers in the 1800s, there are a lot of family interrelationships amongst those living in the Hollow.  In genetic genealogy the term endogamy is used to describe this scenario where many descendants of an area share multiple common ancestors.  DNA can help sort out these kinships.

At present we have this testing going on in the project:
*  Y DNA testing for the following Sullivan's Hollow families:  Bishop, Bowers, Byrd, Duckworth, Eubanks, Harvey, Howell, Keys, Robinson, Smith, Sullivan Ware and Wilson.
*  mt DNA testing to confirm which of Thomas Sullivan Jr's (Pappy Tom) daughters belonged to Maude Elizabeth Arnold and which to Mary Polly  Workman.
*  FF DNA testing for anyone with Sullivan's Hollow ancestry

The project will sort out the various Sullivan's Hollow families and their relationships.