Strong/e; Strang/e;

  • 236 members

About us

While a surname itself may give us incomplete or misleading or, at best, only general information about the origin of a family, DNA-testing can give us concrete evidence for identifying and separating family lines. Y-chromosome DNA testing is especially helpful because the male Y-chromosome is handed down, father to son, through the generations, except for rare mutations which, in themselves, can be helpful indicators of branching. The accessibility and affordability of family DNA testing is doubtless the greatest technical advance in the history of genealogical research because -- at long, long last -- we have a tool to break down those brick walls!

This project commenced in October 2002. Through Y-DNA testing, we have established "benchmark" Y-DNA Haplotypes for a number of Strong, Strange, and L'Estrange lineages. While the testing process is on-going, we can now offer comparisons of results which will help interested participants focus their continuing family history research.

See the Y-DNA & mtDNA Results pages tabbed above and see also for a further analysis of some of the results: (Note: all one-line URL).

 Additionally, the Y-DNA Results to date have assisted in resolving or debunking  some hypotheses regard the origin of certain surnames.   For example,  no matches have been found between Strongs and Armstrongs  [who are members of a separate FTDNA surname project]; showing that Strong is not a derivative from Armstrong.   Further, it appears that most Strongs are not descended from the Stranges.   However, a number of Strongs of Scottish descent appear to be descended from the Strangs or Stranges.

Haplogroup assignments were updated by FTDNA on 5 March 2011, effectively changing R1b1b2 to R1b1a2. Where the Haplogroup is shown in Green, it indicates that FTDNA has SNP Tested the participant.   Administrators have attempted to group all participants with similar STR results with members who have both the same STR's   have a known haplogroup as shown by recent SNP testing.  For those groups which are only "R1b1a2", or for individuals who are not yet assigned to a group, it would be most helpful if members ordered Deep Clade or Universal Deep Clade SNP testing from FTDNA.   Such additional information may assist the administrators in making appropriate matches.

For further information concerning Haplogroup assignments, see the ISSOG website, and particularly the "Notice" posted at: