About us
The Strickland DNA project's main focus is on Y-DNA testing of the Strickland surname line, but the project also accepts those who have Strickland ancestry and have tested their autosomal DNA (Family Finder, AncestryDNA, 23andMe, MyHeritage). The project welcomes all people with Strickland ancestry in the Strickland DNA project, whether you have tested the y-chromosome (Y-DNA) or your autosomal DNA at Family Tree DNA or have transferred your autosomal results from another testing company.

Y-DNA Testing (STR markers and BigY)
The Strickland DNA project recommends that men with the Strickland surname test the y-chromosome (Y-DNA) at a minimum of 37 Y-DNA STR markers, but 67 or 111 markers is preferred. The Strickland project encourages Y-DNA participants to also take the BigY test, which includes the Y-DNA 111 STR markers. The BigY DNA test not only provides information about ancient ancestry, but also can help in the genealogical time frame. The Y-DNA STR markers can tell us two Strickland are related or not, but the BigY SNPs (DNA changes) have the potential for identifying branches of the Strickland family. It is hoped that each branch of the Matthew Strickland family can be represented in testing the BigY so that we can also use family-level SNPs to learn more about the different branches of the family. Currently, the Strickland DNA Project has 10 BigY test takers for the Matthew Strickland family and 1 BigY test taker for the Peter Strickland family. Other Stricklands have also participated in BigY testing. (January 2022) Members of the Project can view the BigY results on the Activity Feed. Stricklands from around the world are welcome to do Y-DNA testing and join the Strickland DNA Project.
Autosomal DNA Testing
Autosomal DNA testing (Family Finder, AncestryDNA, 23andMe, MyHeritage) usually only gives you information about the first few generations of your ancestors. It is a great starting point. But if you are wanting to learn more about how you relate to different branches of your family going further back in time through DNA testing, yDNA testing will be the way to go, testing male relatives of your different ancestral lines. Y-DNA testing to 111 Y-DNA STR markers and BigY testing that provides SNPs and will soon be providing up to 500 Y-DNA STR markers will help surname projects in a genealogical time frame. The BigY DNA test can identify family SNPs that occur about every 4 generations, so applicable in the Strickland surname project. There is so much yet to learn about the Strickland family through yDNA testing. The chart of the "Y Giant Tree" below was created by Mike Walsh who granted permission to share on 1/8/2018. (Revised image, 1/10/2018) A larger copy of the tree image can currently be found at