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South's family researchers in the USA can now test to match other well documented South pedigree's.

The South DNA Project, recently confirmed four South men as ancestral cousin's in the USA. The DNA of this group shows that this lineage originates in the ancient tribes of Britain, who are thought to have wintered in Iberia, 12,000 years ago.

This group records close matches with lineages found within the Scottish Clans such as the Stewart's and Buchanan's. They also have matches with native Irish families. This further supports the theory of an ancient association with the Isles.

This group of South's are believed to descend from a kinship group in the south of England, an area known for its Celtic survival.


This second family group found today on the east coast of Essex, shares matches with a group of families in Wales and the west counties of England towards the Welsh marshes and up the west coast to the Scottish lowlands. This area from Wales up to the Scottish lowlands along the west coast is traditionally the lands of the Ancient British tribes. The I2* Y-line may have entered the Isles as members of the various waves of historical migrations, from the Celts [500 BCE] to the Normans [1066 CE].

As the I2* South's have their closest matches to Welsh families and others found on the west coast, this line presents itself as P-Celtic associated.

We look forward to adding more information for South family researchers as the project grows.