Mother's Day Sale, now through May 15: Family Finder $59 & mtDNA $119. Save even more when you bundle!

Smith-Southern Us (O

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About us

In January, 2011, members from the 3 major Smiths projects (Southern Smiths, Northeastern Smiths and Worldwide Smiths) were rolled up into one project, in order to allow for comparison matching regardless of region. After successfully merging all that data, there was no longer any reason to have Southern Smiths as a separate project. Therefore, please look at the Smiths Worldwide Comprehensive Project for both data and to join. Interestingly, this has created Family Tree DNa's largest project! There are, as of end of March, 2011, over 1300 members with 118 people. Marie Plummer is the administrator.
The site to now direct your attention to is run by Marie Plummer and Debbie Harper, administrators of the Smiths Worldwide Comprehensive DNA Project  The FTDNA website is here FTDNA Smiths website - and the website for is here - Smiths Worldwide website for all Smiths

Therefore, IGNORE and DO NOT USE the Join link for Southern Smiths; use THIS one for SMITHS which includes ALL Smiths regardless of location. Join SMITHS