SmithConnections Northeastern

  • 1102 members

About us

Included image is a coat of arms for smiths designed on Welcome, especially to descendants of Northeastern U.S. Smith families. For different views of the SmithConnections Northeastern DNA data, see the following links. Kristina & Kitty would be happy to help with your research questions.

  • KinCityKitty[at] is the FTDNA SmithConnections Northeastern DNA Project administrator & the webmaster for the project's site at SmithConnections Northeastern DNA Project.

  • Kristina1225[at] is the co-administrator in charge of Smith family research & communications for both the FTDNA SmithConnections Northeastern DNA Project & SmithConnections Northeastern DNA Project.

  • Please purchase your test kits, including third party transfers, from the following link. The sale prices will be displayed here when they are offered:

    SmithConnections Northeastern is a DNA project for descendants of early Smith families from Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, Rhode Island, Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. The purpose of our study is to prove as many Smith (various spellings) lines as possible in the Northeast US prior to the 20th century and to establish genetic family groupings (relationships among participants who descend from a common ancestor. We currently have 68 unique Groups of Smith yDNA). The story of human DNA is one of transport out of Africa and across the planet over tens of thousands of years. We continue to relocate and move our genetic heritage today. As a result, we have living members in our project from New England, the Midwest, the Desert Southwest, the Pacific Northwest and eastern Canada, but these members all have family research and connections to early Smith families in the Northeastern States.

    Because it is a Y-chromosome DNA test, the person taking the test (a simple cheek swab) must be a male Smith. Females or males who are not Smiths could recruit male Smith relatives to participate. Do you have Smith 'brick walls'? Do you want to rule suspected relationships in or out? If so, this project may be for you. As a kit owner, you may want to join other DNA projects at Family Tree DNA as well.

  • Instructions on How to Update Your Account Profile for kit owners.