Sephardic Heritage

  • 514 members

About us

If you are NOT born Jewish, do not send any request to join Sephardic Heritage, please join the Sephardic Anussim project. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sephardic Heritage includes DNA results of men & women known by their own admission to be non-Ashkenazi Jews, i.e. Sephardim, Mizrahi, Romaniote, Rabannite and Karaite etc. Sephardic Anusim is for people who by some quiet admission within the family or family practices at odds with the families outward religion, generally Catholic, makes one believe that the ancestor (s) who pass these traditions down must have been Jewish as some time in the past and are interested in that history. The separation by current religion has been made to improve the meaningfulness of the results in each set. Participants in the Sephardic Heritage DNA Project indicating evident Jewish ancestry are automatically enrolled in our partner Avotaynu DNA Project, and automatically receive a FREE subscription to the Avotaynu Online Weekly Digest which includes articles on Jewish DNA studies as well as other subjects of interest to Jewish family historians and genealogists. Participants in the Sephardic Heritage DNA Projects are free to opt out of the DNA projects and Avotaynu Online subscription at any time.