Rule Surname Project

E-Z16988, E-BY64057 & Others in Great Britain
  • 34 members

About us

We want to learn more about our earliest Rule ancestors in Cornwall and beyond.  

For many who have studied the Rule family in Cornwall, we are unable to find any provable links in written records past our earliest known patriarch Robert Rule who died in Camborne in 1619.   Little is know about Robert or his wife for which we don't even know her first name from available records.   Robert like may Rules of the time had many children who had many children of their own from which the Rule lines descended.

Obviously Robert didn't appear out of thin air and he either came from somewhere else or he was already from a established family in Cornwall.   Was Robert's family a Rule family or some other name? 

So far, with the limited number of males who have provided Y-DNA we know Robert and his forefathers carried a rare E-BY64057 haplogroup different from most others in the Cornwall and the rest of British Isles.   This is likely an indication that Robert's line is not part of Celt, Saxon or Norman groups etc, who dominate the populations of these same areas to this day.

We hope this project will further the our research and that of other groups interested in this family's unique history.