Riehle of Germanic Europe

Exploring Y-DNA Commonality and Diversity Among People with the Riehle Surname
  • 5 members

About us


  • Support Riehle men (or their genetic genealogy sponsors) in gaining a greater understanding of Y-DNA haplogroup identification and matching.

  • Encourage men with the Riehle or similar surnames to participate in Y-DNA testing and encourage women genealogy enthusiasts with fathers, brothers, husbands or sons from a male Riehle lineage to sponsor Y-DNA testing among such family members.

  • Gather, sort and document Y-haplogroup information in order to identify contingents of people with Riehle surnames who share a haplogroup, with information about the related immigrant ancestors and/or ancestral locations in Germanic Europe, ideally with their positioning on Riehle contingent family trees. 

  • Using haplogroup data, connect family contingents wherever possible, both inter-continentally and intra-continentally.  

  • Increase the number and active participation of Project members while limiting personal identifiers in ways consistent with the individuals’ preferences.