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R-A6093 North Mercia

  • 33 members

About us

Welcome to all!
We may have been the first ever surname cluster project, and the first sub-project authorised by FTDNA from the overarching very large haplogroup project R-U106.
You are all positive for the R-A6093/FGC17294 marker, which dates to around 100 BC. There is, surprisingly, a parallel line Z17913 in Greater Poland and Germany which is numerous.
You are part of a cluster where your Y67 test matches many of the other members. The most common surnames so far are BLOOD, HYDE/HITE/HIGHFIELD, branches of REDDICK, WILLETT, CHEATHAM, DAVIS, COKER, ASHMORE, MEAKIN, LEE and a number of singletons. The haplotype signature is quite distinctive and you are all almost certainly related - descended down the paternal line from a man who lived in the 1300s according to our current calculations.
North Mercia refers to a district in the English Midlands with which many of our members are associated. BLOOD is from Derby/Nottinghamshire/Staffordshire, HIGHFIELD from Staffordshire, HYDE has greatest concentration in Notts but is spread throughout the Midlands and down to Wiltshire, while CHEATHAM, MEAKIN and ASHMORE are from Derbyshire. COKER is possibly CORKER from the Midlands.