R M222 and Subclades

R1b-M222 and Subclades Project
  • 4229 members

About us

Statistic Type Count
Big Y 2060
Combined GEDCOMs Uploaded 378
DISTINCT mtDNA Haplogroups 697
DISTINCT Y-DNA Confirmed Haplogroups 1457
DISTINCT Y-DNA Predicted Haplogroups 0
Family Finder 2082
Genographic 2.0 Transfers 150
Maternal Ancestor Information 2666
mtDNA 1439
mtDNA Full Sequence 1186
mtDNA Plus 1372
mtDNA Subgroups 53
Paternal Ancestor Information 3738
Predicted Y-DNA Haplogroups 2997
Total Members 4229
Unpredicted Y-DNA Haplogroups 0
Unreturned Kits 95
Y-DNA Deep Clade (After 2008) 300
Y-DNA Deep Clade (Prior to 2008) 214
Y-DNA Subgroups 1295
Y-DNA111 2780
Y-DNA12 4079
Y-DNA25 4046
Y-DNA37 4009
Y-DNA67 3371