
Y-DNA and atDNA
  • 77 members


I do not have the surname of Paisley, but my Y-DNA matched me with several Paisley men. Can I join the Paisley Family DNA Project?

Please contact the administrator. If the Paisley men you matched have determined that there was a paternal break in their direct line, then it would not be necessary for you to become a member of this project. Most likely the men you matched would be interested in joining your surname project! If the Paisley men you matched have confirmed Paisley connections, then yes, we would be glad to have you join the Paisley Family DNA Project. 
Please send the administrator your paternal ancestors, dates, and locations. Log in to your myFTDNA site and click on "Manage Personal Information" link. Select the "Personal Profile" tab and scroll down to the bottom and click on "Join Projects" link. We will try to connect you to researchers working on your geographical areas that intersect with known Paisley families.

I am female and have absolutely no surviving father, brothers, nephews, uncles, great-uncles,etc. How can I determine if my grandfather Pasley connected to the Pasley/Paisley men in the next county?

Finding a paper trail would be the easiest and surest way of determining a connection. We have some great researchers in our organizations that I would be glad to connect you with. If you want to try the DNA route, first, test your Autosomal DNA  with the FamilyFinder kit. Next, you need to find descendants (male or female) of the Paisleys from the next county and have them do a FamilyFinder test. Because there is remixing of DNA at each generation, just because someone doesn't match you, doesn't mean that that person's sister won't either. This process may take 5 or 6 participants before we decide there is or is not a connection. If a connection is established, then we need to have the matching person find a male relative with the Paisley name to do the Y-DNA test. This will then identify in which Pasley/Paisley tree you belong.

My surname is Parsley. Even though some of the county records spelled the name "Pasley" I believe PARSLEY and PASLEY were separate families. Will the Y-DNA test help me clarify this? Do I need to join your project to get answers?

The Y-DNA test MIGHT clarify immediately or you might have to wait until more people have participated to come up with a definitive answer. You don't have to join a project in order to contact people that you match. I think it is easier to understand your results when you are a part of a project because your data will appear in a chart next to the other participants and you will be able to see who matches and who doesn't. Plus being part of the Project will give you connections to Paisley family researchers.  Even if you don't match anyone initially, someone could join the project several years down the road that does match you. Also, you can join both the PARSLEY project and the PAISLEY project.