Ostrander Surname Project

Y-DNA & FAMILY FINDER are welcome!
  • 94 members

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Blog Post

Advice from one who has discovered their “brick wall” was an NPE.

I was surprised at the range of emotions we felt when the surname branch we were researching didn’t match with others in our y-DNA results.  We had such pride in the history we thought we knew.  There are some reasons why your different surname does not always equal an NPE, but we looked into them all.  We didn’t qualify.  It was a very Irish Surname, but genetically, he matched a very German surname.

We had a mystery to solve, but this question arose. Do you join your surname group where you don’t match genetically or do you join the surname group of you genetic matches?

A comment from expert in a FTDNA video helped us emerge from all the negative feelings.  

Her advice was (paraphrasing) “Own your surname.”  Join your surname group, even though you don’t match genetically.  You can’t change your siblings names.  There is history and records with this surname.  The discovery of the NPE buds a new branch of a lineage.

We have emerged from shock & confusion to peace with it and no enjoy studying our new genealogy it has brought us all closer together.

Good luck on your research!