Osgood Y-DNA Surname

  • 6 members

About us

“A Genealogy of the Descendants of John, Christopher and William Osgood” compiled by Ira Osgood contains certain English history about our emigrant ancestors, but it does not explain how they are related. Recent research of church records and the records of decedent’s wills in England, has given us some important additional information, but it also stops short of factually explaining how these emigrants were related. It does, however, add to the possible scenarios of relationship. Using the latest advances in DNA testing we hope to prove whether there is a relationship between the three Osgood emigrants, John, Christopher and William and how closely we can define that relationship. We also hope to determine if there is a common ancestor and when this common ancestor lived. If two or more participants show matching DNA results and have documented lineage to a common ancestor then we will have proved the Osgood ancestral DNA signature. If you would like to join this project it is required that you have a proven lineage to one of the three emigrants, John, Christopher or William Osgood. For our testing purposes we require a Y-DNA37 test. On the Project Join Request Form please indicate which emigrant is your ancestor, John, Christopher or William. If you have been unable to prove your lineage to one of the three emigrants or have a deviant of the Osgood name please contact the project administrator and you may still be accepted into the project. If you are female and would like to join the project you may have a male family member who meets the requirements take the test for you.