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O'Donoghue Society

  • 412 members

About us

This project is devoted to studying the genetic history and tribal affiliations of men of the name O'Donoghue, spelled in any of its forms.  While the Family Tree website provides access to the Y-DNA Results chart and SNP data, The O'Donoghue Society website provides the detailed discussions regarding the results -  The project also contains some individuals of other surnames, mainly 1) adoptees whose genetic signatures match that of O'Donoghues and 2) those who match more closely to our participants than those of their own or other surnames.  We have had a number of success stories of such participants finding their relatives through close matches.  While we can't offer much technical support to the ladies, if the name O'Donoghue is part of their heritage, they are welcome to join as well.   Please visit The O'Donoghue Society website for more information.