H5'36, H5, and H36 mtGenome Haplogroups Project

  • 1197 members

About us

Welcome to the H5’36, H5, and H36 Mitochondrial DNA Full Genomic Sequence (mtGenome) Project.

To Join you must:

In many cases, our project will be able to group you to a currently proposed haplogroup, while we await the Million Mito Project results. When you join this project -- and periodically, thereafter, as the structure of the haplogroup grows -- we will place you in the most refined subclade that we can.  To do this, it is necessary for administrators to see your Coding Region variants. In your FTDNA Account Settings please go to Project Preferences where you can enable administrators to see that data.  Go to the last option on the page for Coding Region Sharing and move the tog button for it to the right. This will make it possible for us to evaluate your results and provide the proposed haplogroup placement.


(1) Members' DNAResults (Sorted by Specific Subclades):  This page includes a limited portion of members' HVR1/HVR2 data for comparison and lists the most distant known direct maternal ancestor (if entered by project members).  Members are grouped according to their most refined subclade available. Some subclade labels on the page are based on the PhyloTree (mtDNAtree, last updated in 2016, which is recognized by FTDNA). Many additional subclades were tentatively identified by the company YFull, but are not yet official, and some are proposed by the Project Admin.

(2) Map of Our mtDNA Lines: The mapping tool for our project allows you to view the earliest known origins of various subclades on a world map.  You can select options to view "All" or any subgroup for display on the map. This feature gives indications of the known historical locations for each of the subclades. As our Project grows and as more refined subclades are identified, this feature will become increasingly meaningful.

If you have knowledge of your maternal ancestry, we would appreciate it if you would provide the data on your account of your earliest known direct maternal ancestor, particularly the geographical information. This ancestor will be the earliest female in the line of your mother's mother's mother's mother... as far back as you know. To enter this data:

(1)  On your FTDNA page, hover your mouse in the upper right near your name and go to "Account Settings."

(2) Along the row of options near the top of the page, click on "Genealogy."

(3) Next, click on a small link for "Earliest Known Ancestors."

(4) Enter information for your earliest known
direct maternal ancestor. The data that you enter -- preferably name, birth year, and death year -- will appear in your entry on our Members' Results page if you have chosen that option in Project Preferences. If known, please also select the country of origin of your mtDNA line, which is valuable for the study of your subclade.

(5) On the right side of this data-entry page (for the project's Mapping feature), please add the earliest known country (including the town or village, if known) of your direct maternal ancestry.  This location is intended to reflect the earliest known origin of your mtDNA line.
  If your earliest known ancestress resided in the United States or other colony, but you know the country of origin of herself or her mother, please list the country of origin.

(6) Save your information.


As of 2012, there are two different reference sequences used for comparing and reporting mutational differences. These are the rCRS (revised Cambridge Reference Sequence) and the RSRS (Reconstructed Sapiens Reference Sequence). If you find that your results do not exactly match a list of your subclade's defining mutations, it may be due to the presentation of rCRS vs. RSRS mutations. FTDNA provides the option to see either one, but defaults to RSRS on your personal mtDNA Results page, as well as on our members' Results page.  If you choose the option for rCRS values to be displayed, that should clear up any confusion. If not let us know.
Here is an article by Roberta Estes explaining the two reference sequences:
CRS and the RSRS


The privacy of project members is respected at all times. The H & HV DNA administrators strictly adhere to the Group Administrator Guidelines GAP forFamily Tree DNA Projects, the ISOGG Project Administrator Guidelines and other relevant code of conduct guidelines (the Finnish admin: the Code of Conduct of the the Genealogical Society of Finland Käytännesäännöt 2013). 

See also the FamilyTree DNA Privacy Policy and Terms of Service, the Learning Center pages on DNA Group Projects and possible Code of conduct guidelines for genealogists in your own country of residence.

Information and data obtained from the mtDNA H & HV Project and its subprojects must be attributed to the project, administrator, and Family Tree DNA as outlined in the Creative Commons License. Please notify the administrators when using data for public or private research.

This work is licensed under a 
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)