McClure DNA Project

A surname Project
  • 296 members

About us

The McClure DNA Project welcomes all who are interested in working together to find their common McClure heritage through sharing of information and Y- DNA testing. All variant spellings are welcome. If your McClure Surname is missing and should be included due to a Non-Paternal event, we'll be glad to add your Y-DNA test results to the Y-results page.. To date we have Identified 11 McClure Lineages with a total of 181 men with Y-DNA tests. A lineage means there is no common ancestor between the different lineages since the advent of surnames. McClure lineage 1 is the largest of the McClure lineages with 12 distinct branches. All the men in those 9 branches all descend from a single McClure that lived about 1000-1100AD. The advent of surnames in Scotland was about 1000-1100AD.