
  • 174 members

About us

There were Liles/Lyles/Lisle/Lyle/Lile family members in Virginia in the mid 1600's, in North Carolina by the early 1700's and into South Carolina by the mid 1700's. By the late 1700's, family members began migrating west and south, primarily into Tennessee, Kentucky, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi and Texas.  These families are from two main haplogroups.  The "I" family participants may have all descended from the same family that was in Virginia in the 1600s.  The "R" family is actually comprised of at least 8 different families that are not related through a common paternal ancestor.  Frequently, families from both haplogroups could be found living in the same areas.  There are a number of kinships between the two families that are not "on the Y chromosome."  These kinships show up in autosomal testing results, such as the Family Finder test.