Kirk, Kirkland etc

  • 232 members

About us

Our aim is to identify the many Kirk, Kirkland, Newkirk etc. families worldwide and link all matching lines through both DNA testing, research comparison and one-on-one contact with those participants sharing the same or similar genetic DNA. Since the success of the Project depends on the number of participants, we encourage all researchers of any of these KIRK-related names to join the project and help recruit new donors.

For an idea of the world-wide locations of this Project's families visit:

If your Kirk, Kirkland, etc. line daughter'd out, you don't know someone to test for your line, or you simply cannot afford a DNA test PLEASE consider making a donation to the General Fund to help defray costs for someone that can test on your behalf. We will do our best to help you find someone to test for your line. It is definitely a win-win situation!  Just contact the Project Administrator at: