Valentine's Day Sale! Family Finder only $59 + extra savings on bundles ! Now through Feb 17!


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About us

OVERVIEW: A genetic genealogy surname project to determine the unique Y-DNA chromosome markers for various unlinked Kerchner, Karchner, Karcher, Kaercher, Kershner, Kerschner, Karschner, Kirschner, Kirchner, Kercher, Kircher, and similar sounding (soundex codes of K625 and K626 in English) germanic surnamed family groups in the USA and to determine if these various descendants of various immigrants have one or more common male ancestors in Germany in the last 400-600 years and if possible to find their ancestral home villages or regions in Germany. WHO CAN JOIN: Kerchner (or similar sounding or spelled) surnamed males or someone sponsoring a Kerchner surnamed or similar sounding/spelling surnamed male. Only males can be tested for this project since only males have Y-DNA. However a female can sponsor a Kerchner male who is related to her, i.e., a Kerchner surnamed brother, father, uncle, great-uncle, cousin, etc. HOW TO JOIN THIS PROJECT: At this time you must have been tested either directly via FTDNA or indirectly via FTDNA via the NGS Genographic Project to join this project. Genographic Project customers must first do the free transfer of their results from the NGS database to FTDNA's database. See the "Learn More" link at the bottom of your Genographic Project personal page for how to do the free transfer of your test data to FTDNA or call FTDNA for assistance in doing the transfer. Once you have a personal account page at FTDNA, to join this Kerchner project sign/log in to your FTDNA personal account page and click on the JOIN PROJECTS section in the upper left part of your personal page screen. Find the "Surnames" projects section. Click on the letter "K" category. Then click on the Kerchner project link. You will then see a description of this project. Scroll down to the bottom and click on the small white join button at the bottom of the Kerchner project join page. You can add a comment too if you wish. That is all there is to it. If you have not been tested before either by FTDNA or the Genographic Project and want to join this project you need to order a YDNA test kit. Click on the Request to Join This Group link in the upper left hand corner of this screen to contact the Project Admin and arrange ordering your test kit. For helpful information and resources regarding how YDNA Genetic Genealogy works see my DNA Info help page: Project Background, Goals, Results and News Copyright (c) 2001-2010, Charles F. Kerchner, Jr. All Rights Reserved