Camp & Kemp

  • 280 members

About us

The Camp & Kemp DNA Project is open to all families with these surname, of all spelling variations, and from all locations.  
(If your surname is not included please contact the Project Administrator.)  

One-name Study

Please consider also stopping by the Kemp, Camp and variants one-name study (ONS) which complements and enhances this DNA project:

The Camp & Kemp DNA Project was started to:

  1. Help researchers from common or related families work together to find their shared heritage. 
  2. Identify how the participant's families are connected, both genetically and through paper trails.
  3. Identify and confirm genetic Lineages of ancestral families.
  4. Ultimately catalog pedigrees and genetic connections of all of the known project families.

Participating in a Surname DNA Project provides:

  • The participant's genetic DNA, which is very close (and sometimes identical) to his earliest known ancestor.
  • The participant's "deep" ancestry (Haplogroup), which identifies the paternal ancestor's prehistoric origins.
  • A sense of camaraderie, which is particularly strong for those who share a genetic ancestry
  • Stimulation to family research and renewed sharing of information
  • A wider sense of identity and relationship, as we begin to realize how much we are a World Family.
  • A chance to compare your genetic ancestry with those of your Surname and the spelling variations
  • Your genetic matches who do not share your common surname
  • The knowledge to understand our ancestors better - particularly where the records have been lost