DNA Day Sale: Save on Family Finder, Y-DNA, & mtDNA. Now through April 25th.


All surname variants welcome!
  • 134 members

About us

The Kehoe/Keogh/Keough DNA Project welcomes all variant spellings of the surname. Our goal is to learn more about the origins of the surname and help members advance their genealogy research using DNA evidence. REQUIREMENTS FOR JOINING: Keogh descendants must have Y-DNA and/or Family Finder results at FamilyTreeDNA in order to join the project. * Males with the Keogh surname (or variant) should have Y-DNA results from FamilyTreeDNA. * Males with other surnames who match Keogh men in Y-DNA at Y-37 or higher are welcome to join. * Males and females with Keogh ancestry within 5 generations may join with Family Finder results. * To transfer autosomal DNA results from another company, please see FamilyTreeDNA’s transfer page. Please email an administrator if you have questions or need help with the ordering process.