
  • 1233 members

About us

HILL/HILLS. A scientific approach for finding our Hill ancestors, and a valuable aid to traditional research. We have had great success connecting and grouping living HILL participants with others through Y-DNA. Family Tree DNA offers many tests to select from, but the HILL DNA PROJECT recommends that you begin with no less than the Y-DNA 37 Marker test. With at least 37 markers tested, you will be better able to compare your data with many participants. Many have upgraded to at least 67 Markers and beyond. IF YOU YOUR SURNAME IS NOT "HILL" OR IF YOU DO NOT SUSPECT THAT YOUR Y-DNA PATERNALLY (son > father > grandfather) MATCHES TO A "HILL" THE Y-DNA MATCHING AND GROUPING FUNCTIONS HERE WILL NOT BE USEFUL TO YOU. The HILL DNA PROJECT also maintains a 3rd party support website at www.hilldna.com.