Valentine's Day Sale! Family Finder only $59 + extra savings on bundles ! Now through Feb 17!


  • 261 members

About us

HARRINGTON, HERRINGTON, ARRINGTON, ERRINGTON, HAERRINGTON, HARINGTON, HARINTON, HARRINGTIN, HARENDEN, HERENDEEN, HERNDON, YARRINGTON, YERRINGTON, and any other reasonable spelling variations are welcome to join the project. Only males have Y-chromosomes, so only male HARRINGTONs (or variant) may participate. If you are female, you can have a male HARRINGTON (or variant) relative submit a sample for your line. To participate, prospective members must share their direct male line ancestry back to the earliest known HARRINGTON (or variant) in the form of a pedigree (if known). Prospective participants are strongly encouraged to order a minimum test of Y-37.