
  • 632 members

About us

Welcome to the GRAY/GREY Surname DNA Project. We are seeking GRAYs, and those with variants of the Gray surname (e.g. Grau, Degraw, Degray, etc.), from anywhere in the world to join our project which will determine GRAY family groupings through Y-DNA analysis to complement our conventional genealogical research. To participate all you need is a living male GRAY relative willing to provide a simple, painless cheek-rubbing sample.  I recommend starting with the basic 37 marker test. It's especially important to start now if you have an elderly GRAY relative whose DNA might be lost.

Learning About Ancestry & DNA Testing

After following the DNA Family Tree subject on a few mailing lists and forums, we have decided it is time to become a part of this new and exciting method of research.

To sum it all up and make it easily understandable for those of us who don't hold a medical degree or Ph.D. in some science or other;

This test is used SPECIFICALLY for ancestry/genealogical research. The test we are using is the "Y" chromosome test. Only the males of the lines can be tested.

The "Y" chromosome is passed down from generation to generation, throughout the lines of descent through the males, virtually unaltered. Although we'd love to be able to include females in this project, females have "X" chromosomes. For those females interested, they will need to ask a male relative of their GRAY line to be the donor. 

Since the DNA is more or less (simplified) like the rungs of a ladder, when there are common ancestors, this test will show not only the common markers, but will also provide information on how many generations back 2 individuals share a common ancestor.

Should I order the 37 or the 67 marker test?
Whichever you choose now can always be upgraded later. So if cost is an issue start with the 37 marker test and upgrade as you can afford to. The lab keeps your sample so you don't need to submit another sample when you upgrade.